The Story of The Logo

This is the story about how this. “q: im Q leader of the last of the free people 9: and i am 009 the assitant to Q we are here to free you from the slavery Naxas put over you we will start our 1st big move today i wont tell u what time or where but i will say it will...

$5.02 a Post: The Month of Writing

Today I spent $155.88 at a second attempt at starting a blog. Why would I spend $155.88 on a blog that in its last run only had two post over the course of a year instead of going somewhere free like Blogger? Because sometimes I believe in second shots, and I also...

Art & Utilities

Working in public utilities has really made my appreciate what cities are: they are a massive habitat for thousands of people to come together and live their lives. Cities bring out the best aspects of humanity: collaboration, innovation, industries revolutionizing...

Moring Muses

There’s something ethereal and serene about the silence of mornings. If you wake up early enough in the morning you see a world different than the one during the day. The silence and darkness feels as if the world is still asleep, and you are the only one awake...